The water cycle plays an essential role in the functioning of ecosystems by integrating the complex physical, chemical, and biological processes that sustain life. Water is a key factor in determining the productivity of ecosystems, species composition, and biodiversity. Water is also essential for human well-being: Human activities such as agriculture, fisheries, industries, and hydroelectric power depend on water supplies. An adequate water supply is vital to support households and businesses in urban and metropolitan regions.

Study involves baseline geological and hydrogeological characteristics of the site. 

Assessment of the baseline groundwater quality using the Water Management System (WMS) which contains hydrochemical data. Identifying data gaps related to groundwater condition in the vicinity of the site.  Identifying the potential impacts on the receiving groundwater environment based upon the findings of the investigation.  Completion of an impact assessment, including mitigation measure, monitoring plan and recommendations.  Preparing a report incorporating all the above findings.

Geo-hydrological services include:

Other types of air monitoring

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